The task was a collaboration with a local dog-loving photographer,  my brief was to make the branding experience reflect the very essence of dog photography itself. This means capturing that unforgettable shot, which involved exploring the dog's personality and capturing it in a photograph.

My aim was to craft a logo that truly captivated attention, I used Procreate on my iPad, using a pencil to sketch out the initial concepts. I then put these sketches into Illustrator, where I  transformed them into vector images, allowing for flexibility and fine-tuning. With the core icon in place, I then experimented with fonts and colours, giving the brand with a vibrant life of its own.

I was satisfied  with the outcome and was able to produce a logo which captures the spirit of dogs as our four-legged friends. I also considered the colours I chose worked very well for this logo and contributed the overall impact of the logo. In addition, it was also very useful to be able to consolidate my skills using Procreate and Illustrator. 
Moving forward, I could expand the amount of information I delivered to the client, for example, I could produce alternative versions of the logo, using different colours. I could also use different layouts, such as horizontal format and submark. I produced business cards and could add to this by creating price lists, leaflets/brochures for print. In addition, I could explore digital content, for example social media graphics.

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